Currently we are providing only prescription medicines for you and for your pets only. staff members are not licensed to practice pharmacy. We do not recommend or suggest any medicine to our members we simply follow the rules and regulations of the dispensing pharmacy. We take your orders and your prescription and forward it to the dispensing pharmacy. It is up to the dispensing pharmacy to accept the order or reject the orders. We will check drug interactions using software, we cannot check for interactions with medications not ordered through us. Drug interactions can be very serious, even fatal. Therefore, we recommend that you review with your doctor all of the medications you are taking, each time those medications change. All the active ingredient in every drug that sells has gone through the FDA new drug application process, sells some generics that are not yet permitted to be sold in the U.S. because of U.S. trade and patent laws. distributes some drugs that are not produced in US FDA-approved facilities. Many manufacturing units in Europe and Asia are approved by local regulatory bodies rather than the United States Food and Drug Administration.
In future we may also provide you other benefits like doctors visit, pathological test, dental and so on.
Featured Products
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75mg - 100 Tablets
- $29.13
- Clopidogrel
- Donepezil
10mg - 100 Tablets
- $135.00
- Donepezil
- Finasteride
5mg - 100 Tablets
- $66.35
- Finasteride
- Finasteride
1mg - 100 Tablets
- $33.53
- Finasteride
- Sildenafil
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- $2.58
- Sildenafil
- Sildenafil
100mg - 4 Tablets
- $14.00
- Sildenafil
- Sildenafil
20mg - 30 Tablets
- $50.00
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- Sildenafil
50mg - 4 Tablets
- $10.00
- Sildenafil
- Sitagliptin
25mg - 7 Tablets
- $20.25
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- Tadalafil
20mg - 4 Tablets
- $15.75
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